2025 ManSask Super Clinic Kicks Off the Baseball Season
As the 2025 baseball season approaches, umpires from across Manitoba and Sask
atchewan gathered in Moose Jaw on February 15-16 for the first clinic of the year. Organized by the Baseball Sask Umpire Committee in conjunction with Baseball Manitoba Umpires, the ManSask Super Clinic provided top-tier training for nearly 80 Level 3 and 4 umpires.
The weekend featured an outstanding lineup of instructors, including some of Canada’s best umpires. Special guests included Corrie Davis (World Baseball Classic Umpire, Sherwood Park), Kevin Mandzuk (MiLB Umpire, Regina), Chris Graham (MiLB & 2023 WBC Umpire, Ontario), and Stu Scheurwater (MLB Umpire, Regina). Alongside these experts, local Senior Course Conductors led a series of intensive classroom sessions and on-field training exercises.
The clinic served as a key development opportunity, preparing umpires for the upcoming season while fostering connections within the officiating community.
For those looking to start or advance their umpiring career, RAMP registration opens on March 15 for Level 1 and 2 online learning, as well as Level 3 umpires who did not attend the Super Clinic. Applications for in-person clinic requests will be available one week before registration opens, with dates and locations added to RAMP and the Baseball Sask website as they are confirmed.
Umpiring is a fantastic way to deepen your knowledge of the game, earn extra income, and potentially advance to higher levels—just like the accomplished instructors at this year’s Super Clinic.
For more details, visit the Baseball Sask Umpire tab on our website and get ready for an exciting season ahead!
2025 Baseball Sask Umpire Certification
Please note that there has been some further changes to our certification process for 2025 please review these details in full.
How to Get Started: (Become an Umpire)
- What Level Do I Register As?
Level 1 is a 2-year program. If you are a 1st or 2nd year umpire, you must register as a Level 1 official. You need to complete the Level 1.1 and Level 1.2 programs before you move on to Level 2. CHANGE FOR 2025 – All First Year Umpires must register for and complete the Level 1.1 online learning. All Second Year Umpires must register for and complete Level 1.2 online learning.
Level 2 is a 3-year program. If you are a 3rd, 4th, or 5th year umpire you may register as a Level 2 official. You need to complete the Level 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 programs before you may apply to move on to Level 3. You do not have to complete these programs in order. Register for the Level 2 program that is offered this year (Level 2.2 in 2025) and you will complete the other programs in subsequent years as these are offered on a 3-year cycle.
If you are an adult umpire (18+) registering for the first time and you have baseball experience from coaching or playing, or you have registered as an umpire in the past, you may be eligible to register as a Level 2 official. Please contact your Zone Umpire Director regarding your eligibility for this option.
- How to Complete Umpire Registration?
Step 1: Complete your Official Registration:
Follow the link below for instructions on how to complete your registration. our confirmation email for your registration will have information and instructions on how to do register for Camps and Clinics to gain access to your online learning modules and in person umpire camps.
Complete your Official Registration
Step 2: Register for Camps and Clinics. (Do this step only AFTER you complete your Official Registration)
To be fully certified and eligible to umpire provincial championships, an umpire must register for and complete the Online Learning Modules AND attend an On Field Umpire Camp.
Follow these instructions to register for your online learning modules for Level 1 or 2 and then register for a second On-Field Umpire camp.
NOTE: Minimum requirement for being a registered official is to register for and complete the online modules. If you only register for and complete the online modules you will not be fully certified and ineligible to work provincial play or provincials
Step 3: Accessing the Online Learning Modules
Once you register for the Online Modules, you will receive a confirmation email with the instructions for accessing the Online Modules. Baseball Ontario (OBA) is the host for our online modules. Do not be alarmed when the link takes you to the ON Deck platform for Baseball Ontario. Follow the instructions document VERY CAREFULLY so that you register for the Baseball Sask material and NOT the Baseball Ontario Material.
- Contact Local Umpire-in-Chief/Assignor The link below is the same as currently on the website.
- Reach out to the local umpire-in-chief/assignor for your area.
- If unsure, contact information can be found on the Baseball Sask website here: Baseball Sask » Umpire Resources & Contacts. Reach out to your zone director for assistance.
Training Overview
Online Umpire Learning Course
- Independent learning modules.
- Self-paced with an expected completion time of 3 hours.
Umpire Camp
- 4-hour in-person instructional camp.
- Learn the basics of umpiring.
- Select your camp during registration.
- Level 1 & 2 umpire registration: $30.00.
- NEW 2025 – All payments for umpire registrations will be made by Credit Card on RAMP. If your minor ball association usually pays umpire registration, you will need to print your receipt and apply to your association for reimbursement.
Qualifications & Designations
- Registered Official: Completion of Ramp registration, registration fee payment & the online learning will qualify you for the Baseball Saskatchewan season. Making you eligible for regional baseball throughout the province. Exhibition, League, and tournament play.
- Certified Official: Completion of online learning and attendance at a 4-hour camp results in a “Fully Certified” designation. Making the official eligible for provincial play in addition to the above mentioned.
- Progress through 2 years of Level 1 training and 3 years of Level 2.
- Annual Online Umpire Learning Course and Umpire Camp attendance required.
- After 5 years, eligible to become a Level 3 umpire.
Discretion and Exceptional Circumstances
- While the program structure is in place to establish a strong foundation, there is room for discretion in certain situations. Adults entering the program with prior experience or a solid foundation in baseball or softball umpiring may not need to start at Level 1. In such cases, provincial umpire programs have the flexibility to determine an appropriate starting level.