Umpire Clinics

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2024 Online Umpire Clinics


Key Changes for the 2024 Season

Enhanced Online Training

  • We are excited to introduce an online training component to provide more accessible learning opportunities for umpires. This addition aims to offer flexibility and convenience for participants.  Details on this training are covered in Become an Umpire.

On-Field Focus

  • In response to feedback and to optimize practical skills development, we are transitioning to 4-hour, on-field-only training sessions. This adjustment allows for a more hands-on approach and aims to better prepare umpires for real-game scenarios.

Minor Baseball Associations

  • Hosting Clinics Strongly Recommended: We strongly encourage Minor Baseball Associations to host clinics in their respective areas. While officials completing online learning are eligible for regional games (e.g., league, tournament, exhibition), attendance at a 4-hour umpire clinic is mandatory for eligibility to officiate in provincial play.  Host sites could incur additional cost come provincial time if they don’t have “Certified” officials in their area.  Providing access to the On-field camp will increase the number of Certified officials in the area.

Official’s Qualifications

Registered Officials Must:

  • Register via RAMP
  • Complete Online Training
  • Pay a $30.00 registration fee

Certified Officials Must:

  • Register via RAMP
  • Complete Online Training
  • Attend a 4-Hour On-Field Clinic
  • Pay a $30.00 registration fee

Key Objectives for 2024

Accessible Basic Training

  • Our primary goal is to make basic umpire training accessible to individuals across the province. By offering online training, we aim to facilitate registration and provide foundational knowledge to a wider audience of potential officials

Encourage On-Field Clinic Participation

  • With the reduction of on-field clinic time commitments to 4 hours, we hope to encourage more participants to attend. This shift aims to make it more convenient for individuals to enhance their practical skills, fostering a more confident and capable officiating community.

Increase Membership and Develop Officials

  • We aspire to grow our membership base significantly. By attracting more individuals to our program, we aim to create a robust pipeline for officials, ultimately strengthening our Level 3 and 4 programs

Baseball Sask Umpire Clothing & Hats

  • We have teamed up with a new Uniform supplier for all your umpire uniform essentials! Whether you’re in need of shirts, hats, jackets, or top-notch umpire equipment, Atlantic Baseball Officials Supplies has everything you need to look and perform your best on the field.

How to Register

Umpire Registration Information

You will be able to register on RAMP starting FRIDAY, MARCH 22.  We have been finalizing a couple of things with the registration system.

If you registered before March 21, you will need to go back and redo your registration.  The system was not supposed to allow registration so the umpire packages were not yet set up if you registered early.

We will be updating all of the help documents on the Baseball Sask website over the coming days.

Level 1 & 2 Umpires

Once you complete your registration, you will then need to go into the clinics and camps section and register for a level 1.1 or 2.1 online clinic AND an onfield clinic.  The on-field clinics will be updated regularly so check back every couple of days to see if an on-field clinic has been added in your area.  The list of clinics will also be updated on the Baseball Saskatchewan Website also.  Once you have registered, a confirmation email will be sent to you. In that email will be a link to a document with instructions to access your online materials.  Follow the prompts for level 1 or level 2 depending on what clinic you registered for.

Online Courses:

Clinic Location Level of Clinic Date of Clinic Clinic Contact Location How to Register?
ONDeck 2024 Online Level 1 Modules Blake Thille Online Register Here
ONDeck 2024 Online Level 2 Modules Clayton Obst Online Register Here

On-Field Camps:

Clinic Location Level of Clinic Date of Clinic Clinic Time Clinic Contact Location How to Register?
Prince Albert Level 1 April 4 1:30 PM Heather Bourdon Register Here
Prince Albert Level 2 April 4 6:00 PM Heather Bourdon Register Here
Oxbow Level 1 April 6 9:00 AM Anne Morrow Register Here
Canora Level 1 April 7 9:00 AM Jenn Prychak Register Here
Moosomin – Cancelled Level 1 April 13 9:00 AM Kate Thompson Cancelled Clinic
Weyburn Level 1 April 13 3:30 PM Ernie Parisien Assiniboia Elementary School Register Here
Regina Level 1 April 13 8:00 AM Mike Smith Centennial School Register Here
Regina Level 2 April 13 1:00 PM Mike Smith Centennial School Register Here
Swift Current Level 1 April 13 9:00 AM Clayton Obst All Saints Catholic School Register Here
Warman Level 1 April 13 8:30 AM Bobby Marks Traditions Elementary School Register Here
Warman Level 2 April 13 12:30 PM Bobby Marks Traditions Elementary School Register Here
Weyburn Level 2 April 14 1:00 PM Ernie Parisien Assiniboia Elementary School Register Here
Lumsden Level 1 April 14 8:30 AM Jennifer Schindelka Ecole Lumsden Elementary School Register Here
Lumsden Level 2 April 14 1:00 PM Jennifer Schindelka Ecole Lumsden Elementary School Register Here
Saskatoon Level 2 April 14 8:30 AM Aaron Szejvolt TBA Register Here
Saskatoon Level 1 April 14 1:30 PM Aaron Szejvolt TBA Register Here
Tisdale Level 1 April 14 12:00 PM Chad Bailey Tisdale Recplex Register Here
Carnduff Level 1 April 14 9:00 AM Trevor Geiger Carnduff Education Complex Register Here
Delisle Level 1 April 20 9:00 AM Jeff Kieper Delisle Composite High School Register Here
Saskatoon Level 1 April 20 1:30 PM Aaron Szejvolt TBA Register Here
Saskatoon Level 2 April 20 8:30 AM Aaron Szejvolt  TBA Register Here
Southey Level 1 April 20 9:00 AM Jessica Ewert Southey Communiplex Register Here
Muenster Level 1 April 20 1:00 PM Curtis Strueby Muenster School Register Here
Muenster Level 2 April 20 8:30 AM Curtis Strueby Muenster School Register Here
Porcupine Plain Level 1 April 20 10:00 AM Denita Bratton Porcupine Plain Comprehensive School Register Here
Meadow Lake Level 1 April 20 11:00 AM Regan Beck Jonas Sampson School Register Here
Hudson Bay  Cancelled Level 1 April 20 3:30 PM Clayton Dickson Wally Dawyduk Arena  Register Here
Redvers Level 1 April 20 1:30 PM Kim Malin Redvers Rec Centre Register Here
Saskatoon Level 1 April 21 8:30 AM Aaron Szejvolt TBA Register Here
Saskatoon Level 2 April 21 1:30 PM Aaron Szejvolt TBA Register Here
Kindersley Level 1 April 21 8:30 AM Tracey Watt Kindersley Composite School Register Here
Kindersley Level 2 April 21 1:00 PM Tracey Watt Kindersley Composite School Register Here
Moose Jaw Level 1 April 21 Huck Craig TBA Register Here
Moose Jaw Level 2 April 21 Huck Craig TBA Register Here
Carlyle Level 1 April 21 Alana Wilson Carlyle Elementary School Register Here
Shellbrook Level 1 April 22 4:00 PM Jamie Capner Shellbrook High School Register Here
Battleford Level 1 April 22 6:00 PM Philip McGee United Church Battleford Register Here
Melfort Level 1 April 25 3:30 PMN Adrian Bourgeois MUCC Diamonds Register Here
Montmartre Level 1 April 27 9:00 AM Natasha Romanow Kemoca Park Register Here
Eston Level 1 April 27 9:00 AM Garrett Turner 332 3rd Street W Register Here
Estevan Level 1 April 27 9:00 AM Kevin Culy Spruce Ridge School Register Here
Milestone Level 1 April 27 9:00 AM Leanne Sjodin Milestone Rink Register Here
Estevan Level 2 April 28 9:00 AM Kevin Culy Spruce Ridge School Register Here
Outlook Level 1 April 28 1:00 PM Trevor Drury Jim Kook Rec Plex Register Here
Nipawin Level 1 April 28 9:00 AM Cory Froehlich Central Park School Register Here
Unity Level 1 April 28 Kyle Clark Unity Composite High School Register Here
Yorkton Level 2 April 28 1:00 PM Terry Schneider Yorkdale Central School Register Here
Yorkton Level 1 April 28 9:00 AM Terry Schneider Yorkdale Central School Register Here
Battleford Level 2 April 30 6:00 PM Philip McGee United Church Battleford Register Here
Regina Level 1 May 5 1:00 PM Mike Smith Centennial School Register Here
Regina Level 2 May 5 8:00 AM Mike Smith Centennial School Register Here
Watrous Level 1 May 5 Lindsay Crittenden Winston High School Register Here
Naicam Level 1 May 5 Curtis Morrison 206-2nd Street S (Naicam) Register Here


How to Setup a Clinic

Communities wishing to host an umpire clinic are to contact  Aaron Roberts and fill out and submit an umpire clinic request form.

2024 Baseball Sask Umpire Clinic Request Form

Host is responsible for securing a suitable location for the clinic.

Note: Umpire clinics are an “On-field Clinic” this will require an appropriate facility to accommodate drills and on field work.  It is strongly recommended that a facility with a gym or similar space be provided so that weather does not prevent the clinic from being completed. If the weather happens to be favorable on the day of the clinic, the instructor may choose to have the clinic outside, but this cannot be expected.

***NEW for 2024***
In person Camps (clinics) are now 4 hours in length.  Participants are Strongly Recommended to complete the online learning prior to attending a local camp.

Level I – $300 base fee to Community to host clinic

  • No experience required
  • Must take both 1.1 and 1.2 components to be recognized as Level 1 Fully Certified
  • If registered in 2014, then grandfathered and recognized as Level 1 Fully Certified (However, must attend a clinic annually to remain certified)
  • Must Complete Level I Online learning (New 2024)
  • Must attend a Level I clinic to be fully “Certified” (New 2024)
  • Officials that complete both the online learning and attend an Umpire Clinic will be eligible to umpire Provincial Championships with no Post-Provincial Play (New 2024)
  • Cost for Umpire to attend – $30

Level II – $300 base fee to Community to host clinic

  • Must be Level 1 Fully Certified (either grandfathered or taken Level 1.1 and 1.2) for a minimum of 1 year
  • Must Complete Level II Online learning (New 2024)
  • Must attend a Level II clinic to be fully “Certified” (New 2024)
  • Certified Officials are eligible to officiate local and provincial minor ball including Provincial Championships and Post-Provincial Play (New 2024)
  • May be randomly evaluated
  • Cost for Umpire to attend – $30

Level III (Only held once every 3 years)

  • Must be Level 2 Fully Certified (either grandfathered or taken Level 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3) for a minimum of 1 year
  • In 2015 and 2016 must register online and write Level 3 Exam and obtain 80% or more on exam
  • Must attend 2017 Umpire Super Clinic
  • Eligible to officiate all provincial baseball. Must be at least 18 years of age during current year to officiate at the major level. Eligible for Western Canadian competition.
  • Must pass two on-field evaluations
  • Cost $100.00 annually including Super Clinic year

Level IV

  • Must be Fully Level 3 Certified (either grandfathered or taken Level 3) for one full year, and have officiated for a minimum of 5 years
  • Must attend a Level IV clinic
  • Must obtain 86% or more on exam
  • Eligible to officiate national championships. Must be at least 18 years of age during current year to officiate at this level.
  • Must pass two on-field evaluations (1 plate, 1 base)  to maintain Level IV,  with passing grade of 86% or more
  • Cost TBA Annually

Level V

  • Same as Level IV, but must have participated in at least two minor national championships (Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget) and at least one major national championship (Selects, Junior, Senior and Canada Games) to be Level V “AA”, and had at least one international assignment to be Level V “AAA”

Qualifications & Designations: (New 2024)

  1. Registered Official: Completion of Ramp registration, registration fee payment & the online learning will qualify you for the 202X Baseball Saskatchewan season.  Making you eligible for regional baseball throughout the province.  Exhibition, League, and tournament play.
  2. Certified Official: Completion of online learning and attendance at a 4-hour camp results in a “Certified” designation. Making the official eligible for provincial play in addition to the above mentioned.

NOTE: Affiliate Members are given an additional 50% surcharge on all of the above costs