2025 Umpire Clinic Information COMING SOON!
Key Changes for the 2024 Season
Enhanced Online Training
- We are excited to introduce an online training component to provide more accessible learning opportunities for umpires. This addition aims to offer flexibility and convenience for participants. Details on this training are covered in Become an Umpire.
On-Field Focus
- In response to feedback and to optimize practical skills development, we are transitioning to 4-hour, on-field-only training sessions. This adjustment allows for a more hands-on approach and aims to better prepare umpires for real-game scenarios.
Minor Baseball Associations
- Hosting Clinics Strongly Recommended: We strongly encourage Minor Baseball Associations to host clinics in their respective areas. While officials completing online learning are eligible for regional games (e.g., league, tournament, exhibition), attendance at a 4-hour umpire clinic is mandatory for eligibility to officiate in provincial play. Host sites could incur additional cost come provincial time if they don’t have “Certified” officials in their area. Providing access to the On-field camp will increase the number of Certified officials in the area.
Official’s Qualifications
Registered Officials Must:
- Register via RAMP
- Complete Online Training
- Pay a $30.00 registration fee
Certified Officials Must:
- Register via RAMP
- Complete Online Training
- Attend a 4-Hour On-Field Clinic
- Pay a $30.00 registration fee
Key Objectives for 2024
Accessible Basic Training
- Our primary goal is to make basic umpire training accessible to individuals across the province. By offering online training, we aim to facilitate registration and provide foundational knowledge to a wider audience of potential officials
Encourage On-Field Clinic Participation
- With the reduction of on-field clinic time commitments to 4 hours, we hope to encourage more participants to attend. This shift aims to make it more convenient for individuals to enhance their practical skills, fostering a more confident and capable officiating community.
Increase Membership and Develop Officials
- We aspire to grow our membership base significantly. By attracting more individuals to our program, we aim to create a robust pipeline for officials, ultimately strengthening our Level 3 and 4 programs
Baseball Sask Umpire Clothing & Hats
- We have teamed up with a new Uniform supplier for all your umpire uniform essentials! Whether you’re in need of shirts, hats, jackets, or top-notch umpire equipment, Atlantic Baseball Officials Supplies has everything you need to look and perform your best on the field.